What I have learnt this Christmas

1.  People are grumpy. In recent months I have been adding a little extra to the family coffers by working in customer services for online stores in the States.  Usually at about 2 or 3 hours a day this has added a little pocket-money during the quieter months of my new business venture.  During the…


December 14th, 2013 "Would you like the same present for your birthday that I got you last year?", "what was it? pyjamas? yes I like new pyjamas", "no, sellotape*" (*that's scotch tape to my American friends) And with that it all came rushing back, the trauma and turmoil of this time last year when I…

It’s the most wonderful time of the year

December has always been a good month for me.  It's the month that as a kid we had 2 weeks off school, the Christmas disco, the Christmas production, Santa would appear in the streets just before bed time on a sleigh on wheels courtesy of the local Round Table, carol concerts, a trip to Manchester…