System Failure 651

As a self confessed luddite I thought nothing of it when my home internet went down last week.  Little did I know the knock on effect after 5 days internet free.  Handily at the same time no.2 son got hold of my iphone and dropped it, duly smashing the screen so I have been 100%…

Have a little patience

Savlanoot, one of the first words they teach you in the Ulpan - the first stop for all keen new arrivals to Israel's fair shores.  Savlanoot means patience and as most Israelis will admit, is something you don't see much evidence of on the streets here.  Remember the driving post?  Why wait patiently when you can lean…

Mine’s a G & T thanks Kate

Kate Middleton, Princess, Duchess, whatever you want to call her, I love her.  She seems like a nice grl, she wears nude tights which is weird and her shoe collection should be more Princess worthy but no need to attack her.  I don't understand why she deserves such negative press.  Leave her alone.  Luckily for…

Yum, Treats for Purim

Continuing on with the Purim theme I feel the need to introduce those of you not familiar with the treat that fills my local bakeries and coffee shops at this time of year; Oznei Haman or Hamantaschen.   Hamantaschen is Yiddish for Haman's pockets and Oznei Haman in Hebrew literally translated means Haman's ears.   Google it and there are a number of…

Just a brilliant disguise

It's Purim next Sunday and in Israel it is Purim week.  Purim is actually only one day, but as any parent of young children in Israel knows, the party starts now.  You could also ask any parent of a young child in Israel how they are feeling about Purim by Wednesday and they might possibly admit that…

Jiggety Jog

As the plane touches down in Israel, especially if you fly with Israel's airline, the passengers applaud.  The first time I heard it was the first time I visited in Israel way back in the late 90's and I figured I'd missed something - we were about to crash and the pilot had saved us?…

Sunshine and Oranges

Forget what you know about Israel, go on, try.  Just for a moment put to one side the religions and the politics and the trouble, forget the fear and the anger and the sadness.  Just for a moment picture Israel as simply a piece of land, call it by another name, ignore the borders:  The…

Homeward Bound

Youth is a state of mind.  I know you know that but it's taken me a while to see it.  It doesn't matter how you look (although it helps), it doesn't matter if you are married, single, divorced, have kids, not have kids.  Its all in your head, or maybe just mine. You may not…