What a difference a decade makes

Ten years ago today I said good-bye to my family and friends and boarded a plane for the Holy Land. I was about to embark on a journey of life, of discovery, of fear, loathing and love. Ten years on, 3 children, 3 conflicts, 3 homes and a lot poorer I can honestly say that…

The Great Escape

When I left Israel at the end of July, I left  sirens and explosions, booms and rattling windows. Now I am back. The sirens have stopped, normal life resumes. I lived in a bubble for 5 weeks, little or no news, only sporadic social media use, a promise to myself not to read the hate or get…

I was looking at all the life

About 2 and a half hours south of Tel Aviv you will find yourself in the Arava.  The desert plains of Israel.  A thin strip of seeming nothingness but rocks and sand, jutting cliffs and mountains that appear to have been swept in on the last wind. Every Passover my family and friends go to…

What I have learnt this Christmas

1.  People are grumpy. In recent months I have been adding a little extra to the family coffers by working in customer services for online stores in the States.  Usually at about 2 or 3 hours a day this has added a little pocket-money during the quieter months of my new business venture.  During the…

Red Sky at Night

There are certain times of year when I am very happy that my home is in the Middle East.  November is one, February the other.  To me these were always the most depressing of months in the UK.  November with only a bonfire and fireworks to brighten the dull grey skies and chilly long nights.…

Ging gang gooley

When Israelis go away for the weekend they stay in zimmers (or they camp but that's a pretty dusty/sandy experience).   Zimmer comes from the German word and has been adopted by Israel, pronounced tsimmer in Israeli-speak and is a little self contained cottage usually set in a small garden in a rural community. Zimmers…

Roll up for the mystery tour

It's that time again when I am about to expose myself, my lack of knowledge and my inability to retain information. It's time to take a trip north with overseas visitors. These visitors are not 1st timers so I can't use my usual trick of talking a lot and saying very little, they are also…

The 3 legged camel

On our recent Passover trip to the desert we stayed in a campsite. It was not the kind of campsite I am used to staying in, it was what I would term 'glamping' (glamour camping).  No we didn't all don high heels and dressed for dinner (only the boys), but because the tents were huge domed affairs…

Smoke gets in your eyes

We are just days away from the barbecue bonanza which is Independence Day in Israel.  When every spare piece of ground has a group of family and friends gathered, barbecuing the b'geesus out of their kebabs.  When I say every spare piece of ground I mean parks, beaches, roundabouts, grass verges, bus stops.  You think of a space and…

System Failure 651

As a self confessed luddite I thought nothing of it when my home internet went down last week.  Little did I know the knock on effect after 5 days internet free.  Handily at the same time no.2 son got hold of my iphone and dropped it, duly smashing the screen so I have been 100%…