Silent Night

There is NO silence in my house at night. In fact at the moment it is a cacaphony of shouts for Mummy, Daddy, milk, water, sofa, pee pee and last night, helicopter. In terms of children's excitment at Christmas our house must rank pretty low, as you'll know from this post. So WHY are they…

Do they know its Christmas?

Ingredients for a successful Christmas party:   - Daylight, all the best Christmas parties take place during the day (no hangover the following day) - Too much food; turkey, stuffing, sprouts and roasties a must. - Too much drink, of the alcoholic variety. Bubbles or heated or both preferable - Slightly tipsy dancing in living rooms…

Here’s Looking at You, Ma

Last week I saw some long lost photos of my family circa 1978. We are not a photo family; my parents’ house has only started resembling a family art gallery since the arrival of the grandchildren; when we were growing up the walls, sideboards, and mantelpiece were photo free. As a result these photos were…

In Search of a Good Pub Story.

Prologue. My first full-time job after university was as a runner in London.  Back in the mid-90s the film business in the UK was experiencing a renaissance, successes like Shallow Grave, The Madness of King George, Four Weddings and Trainspotting meant that anything out of the UK was hot and Soho in London was the hub of all that…

and Counting

Ha ha, had you fooled. Did you think the ruminations would stop post 39? Unlucky (or lucky) for you, the ‘and counting’ might have given it away.  The best part is that I will remain 39 (and counting) in the worldwide web forever. Thank you, yes I made it and I am still here – making it…

Nonsense to the Vernacular

Not satisfied with tweeting, blogging, facebooking, linking in and pinning interest we are now taking on the vocabulary and manner of speech we use whilst typing which by the way we have usually picked up from the TV. Here are the top 5 that I use a lot in conversation and probably shouldn’t: So, since when have we…

Boys to Men

An older man is distinguished, he greys with salt and pepper flecks.  He can carry off style without the fear of being called mutton, but he goes bald.  Unlucky.  There’s no disguising age when your once thick barnet is reduced to a bush at the back and sides and some wisps on the top.  Men…

Reasons to Celebrate #6: Kids

Like the number 19 bus our children arrived all at once, none for ages and then 3 arrived within 2 short years.  Four and a half years on, this in essence means, I cannot speak on the phone during their waking hours I seldom have waking hours outside of theirs I am always the mother…

Press ? for help

"Anything invented before your fifteenth birthday is the order of nature. That's how it should be. Anything invented between your 15th and 35th birthday is new and exciting, and you might get a career there. Anything invented after that day, however, is against nature and should be prohibited." Douglas Adams (author of The Hitchhiker's Guide…