Temporary Home

It's Sukkot which in Israel means a number of things.  Firstly it usually heralds the change in the weather.  Hooray.  The humidity goes down, the wind picks up, we even usually experience a few drops of rain (literally a few drops).  Sukkot also means that people's balconies and gardens and kosher eateries gain an odd…

We’re S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G

Shopping and washing, cleaning and sweeping, dusting and hoovering, washing up and wiping down surfaces.  Talk about groundhog day.  Whether you work, are retired, are a stay at home mum/dad, single or married these are a few of life's constants.  Hmmm how dreary. Of these my least favourite is shopping, food shopping that is.  Having…

It’s oh so quiet

Imagine your city, town or village without traffic, with all the stores closed.  No buses, trains or even planes overhead.  No open 24hr corner shop, no open petrol station.  Just quiet. Welcome to Yom Kippur in Israel. A 24 hour period from sunset until sunset the following day when the whole country falls silent.  Oh…

It’s gonna be a long walk home

The new school year started last week and the sound of way too heavy backpacks being pulled along on wheels by tiny people has resumed on the walkways outside our house.  Having not reached school age yet, our childers have yet to enlighten us as to the reason why a 6-year-old entering the school gates…

Wake me up when September ends

After almost 2 weeks in the UK, husband arrived to spend the last week with us.  He kept asking, 'how does England look to you'.  My answer was always the same, 'green'.  Israel is now shrouded in heat haze with dusty roads and fields, sandy and burnt, so England was like a lush paradise in…