Let it snow, let it snow

For readers who are knee high in snow at the moment, look away now. We in the Med see very little of the cold white stuff, in fact here in the coastal plain snow just doesn't fall. Last weekend on hearing the news of a snow fall in the Jerusalem area and the Golan, our…

What a difference a decade makes

Ten years ago today I said good-bye to my family and friends and boarded a plane for the Holy Land. I was about to embark on a journey of life, of discovery, of fear, loathing and love. Ten years on, 3 children, 3 conflicts, 3 homes and a lot poorer I can honestly say that…

Here comes the rain again

October in Israel brings Rosh Hashannah, Yom Kippur and my favourite of all the holidays, Sukkot.  You may remember my ramblings about the Sukkah (Succah, Sukka?) that we build in the garden every year. Where we eat, where I spend my evenings quaffing vino and where the kids play.  This year, true to form we…

Daddy’s taking us to the zoo tomorrow

It's hot, it's humid, it's the end of the school year. Schools are out for summer and the summer playschemes/school camps or as we know them here, kaytanot, are in full swing for the smaller kids. This can only mean one thing for a mother of three younglings; arguing, short tempers, over excitement followed by…

Remember my Name

I have always had a bad memory for names and it's even worse now I live somewhere where the names are not familiar and have no point of reference for me.  Following a visit to Israel I telephoned the house that my Husband-To-Be was staying at and spoke to one of my now very good friends,…

Just add matches

It's that time of year again when the air smells of wood smoke, children are spotted pushing shopping trolleys of wood and the fire service are on high alert.  Yes, it's Lag Ba'Omer which is which is I suppose the Israeli equivalent to bonfire night, minus the fireworks.  You can read all about the historical…

Never Forget

It's a week of armies and war and soldiers and remembrance and the childer's have reacted in a what I can only call a big muddle. Their Dad is spending the week in the miluim which is the army service that all males do until around the age of 40 to 45.  He's training which means…

Ten things I didn’t expect when I moved here

1. 1 day weekends.  Yes you heard right.  Weekends start on Friday afternoon and end on Saturday evenings.  Kids go to school, many people go to work and you only get one lie in a week (if you don't have small childers and consider 7am a lie in) 2. Shabbat.  You know, the day of…

My children stroke snails

Whilst in Switzerland in January I ate, a lot.  My friend's partner is a bit of a foodie.  He likes nothing better than cooking up a storm of an evening, especially when they have visitors. He picked me up from the airport and we went straight from one country to another by driving the 5…

AEIOU I sometimes cry

You have probably noticed that that slogan t shirts are back in style after a 30 year break.  Yes it was the 80's when we sported 'Choose Life', 'Just say NO' and 'Frankie says Relax' t-shirts and yes that was indeed 30 years ago.  Hmmm.  I had a particularly fetching pale pink cut off t-shirt…