Hunting High and Low

Do you believe in clairvoyants?  I want to, I really want to.  I knew a clairaudient once.  (A clairaudient hears things as opposed to a clairvoyant who sees things.)  This guy was the furthest removed from your archetypal psychic that you could get, but I think he was pretty good.  He made a career out of…

Reasons to Celebrate # 2: Friends part 2

click here for part 1 Scott didn't seem overly pleased to see us.  The reason was probably that he'd spun such an enormous web of lies back in the UK that he knew he was going to be caught out when we arrived.  We stayed in the Granny flat attached to his house so we had our…

Reasons to Celebrate # 2: Friends part 1

By the age of 40 you know absolutely the value of a good friendship.  I have one particular friend; we’ll call her Rachel (because that’s her name) who I met on the first day of University.  In the second year summer break we went on a life changing trip to Kenya.  This is our story…

What Chocolate Are You?

Have you ever played ‘what chocolate are you’ with friends? Actually, maybe it was just one of our made-up night bus journey games. Here’s what you do; think of a box of chocs, Quality Street or Roses for example (if you’re British) and decide which chocolate you are. Then you ask your fellow game players…

To Do To Done yet?

The countdown to the big day is in double figures (55) so there are a few bits of housekeeping to take care of, not least the plans for the event itself.  I am not one to shirk from birthdays; in fact I always fully embrace them and am very disappointed when others don’t do likewise.…

Its all in the genes

There are a few people in your life who remember you at all ages: as children; stroppy teenagers; young adults and are watching now as you move toward middle age (ho ho).  Your parents and extended family have seen it all (well almost all).  Do you ever wonder what they think of your adult self? …

Reasons to celebrate #1: Experience

There are times when I think; thank goodness I am older and wiser. I am less likely to get myself in the scrapes I did as a youngster.  Experience counts for a lot at any age and although I owe a lot of my better judgement to age and experience I also owe a lot…

Other 2012 40 year olds

I have just discovered that fellow 40 year old Gwyneth Paltrow exercises 2 hours a day 6 days a week to remain so young looking, that Dita Von Teese was also 40 this year and likewise follows a strict diet and exercise routine and finally that Emmerdale (a long running soap opera about a farming…