Ten things I didn’t expect when I moved here

1. 1 day weekends.  Yes you heard right.  Weekends start on Friday afternoon and end on Saturday evenings.  Kids go to school, many people go to work and you only get one lie in a week (if you don't have small childers and consider 7am a lie in) 2. Shabbat.  You know, the day of…

Yum, Treats for Purim

For the third year running hubby’s bakery has come up top for their hamentaschen. Just in case you didn’t see this last year, here is my post about Purim and the award winning recipe.

39 and Counting


Continuing on with the Purim theme I feel the need to introduce those of you not familiar with the treat that fills my local bakeries and coffee shops at this time of year; Oznei Haman or Hamantaschen.   Hamantaschen is Yiddish for Haman’s pockets and Oznei Haman in Hebrew literally translated means Haman’s ears.   Google it and there are a number of explanations as to why these delish biscuits are called this, none of which is the one I heard first and has stuck in my head – Haman (the baddy in yesterday’s story) was punished for his treachery towards the Jews by being hung from a tree by his ears.  This explanation doesn’t actually explain why the biscuits have 3 corners (maybe he had 3 ears?) and so obviously I heard it from someone even less informed than myself.  The real reason is either to do with the 3 cornered hat he wore, the 3 corners representing…

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My children stroke snails

Whilst in Switzerland in January I ate, a lot.  My friend's partner is a bit of a foodie.  He likes nothing better than cooking up a storm of an evening, especially when they have visitors. He picked me up from the airport and we went straight from one country to another by driving the 5…

Somebody’s Story 1: The man with the dog

Discovery Channel has a new viewer.  Once a week is Survival Night and I have discovered that Discovery can keep me hooked, programme after programme.  I have learnt how to light fires from lipstick, how to cover my tracks in a jungle and how to keep my spirits high in arctic conditions.  I am pretty…