Daddy’s taking us to the zoo tomorrow

It's hot, it's humid, it's the end of the school year. Schools are out for summer and the summer playschemes/school camps or as we know them here, kaytanot, are in full swing for the smaller kids. This can only mean one thing for a mother of three younglings; arguing, short tempers, over excitement followed by…

Remember my Name

I have always had a bad memory for names and it's even worse now I live somewhere where the names are not familiar and have no point of reference for me.  Following a visit to Israel I telephoned the house that my Husband-To-Be was staying at and spoke to one of my now very good friends,…

They’re Back

As the days heat up, the sun begins to really burn and the nights become stuffy we once again welcome the critters that dwell in these parts.  I say welcome but actually what I really mean is dread. Since this time last year and my post When the Night Comes Falling there have been some changes…

Last Night

I have a new best friend, in my dreams.  In my dream he is rich and famous, enormously (suprisingly) talented.  He lives in New Orleans (surely that should be Memphis) and he wants to be my best friend.  In my dream he is Justin Timberlake.  Oh woe is me.  I have a teenage crush at…


Ten years on and there are many things in Israel, quirks shall we say, that I didn't think I would ever get used to. In fact on arrival many of them struck me at the least strange and at the worst absurd.  Here are my favourites; 1. Cottage.  No not a small quaint house in…

Just add matches

It's that time of year again when the air smells of wood smoke, children are spotted pushing shopping trolleys of wood and the fire service are on high alert.  Yes, it's Lag Ba'Omer which is which is I suppose the Israeli equivalent to bonfire night, minus the fireworks.  You can read all about the historical…

Never Forget

It's a week of armies and war and soldiers and remembrance and the childer's have reacted in a what I can only call a big muddle. Their Dad is spending the week in the miluim which is the army service that all males do until around the age of 40 to 45.  He's training which means…

I was looking at all the life

About 2 and a half hours south of Tel Aviv you will find yourself in the Arava.  The desert plains of Israel.  A thin strip of seeming nothingness but rocks and sand, jutting cliffs and mountains that appear to have been swept in on the last wind. Every Passover my family and friends go to…

Coat of Many Colours

At the side of the main coastal highway, wedged between the railway tracks and the noisy traffic there is a field. Israel has donned its Spring time coat of many, many colours. The red stretches as far as the eye can see.  The poppies in this field have not been in bloom for 3 years (…


Don't you know what sponja is?  Or maybe it's sponga with a soft g. Who knows how you spell it, or do it for that matter.  Yes it's something you do.  Any guesses?  Well I had no idea what so ever all those years ago when we moved into our first apartment in Tel Aviv.…