What a difference a decade makes

Ten years ago today I said good-bye to my family and friends and boarded a plane for the Holy Land. I was about to embark on a journey of life, of discovery, of fear, loathing and love. Ten years on, 3 children, 3 conflicts, 3 homes and a lot poorer I can honestly say that…


In 1986 at age 14, I heard for the first time in a History lesson about the Holocaust In 1997 I met someone who told me about his grandparents who lost parents, partners, siblings and children in the Holocaust In 2005 I saw a number tattooed on an old man's arm as he played backgammon in a coffee shop…

Starry starry night

Many years ago a friend went home to his parents for the weekend.  On his return I asked him how it had been and he replied,’ there was lots of sky’.  I have never forgotten that statement. If you live in a city like I did at that time, you don’t notice the sky between…

Seders I have known

In 1997 in Wellington, New Zealand I attended my first Passover Seder.  I had absolutely zero idea what a Seder was, truth be told, I didn't really know what Passover was.  I had vague recollections of being taught about this important Jewish holiday in a Religious Education lesson at high school but as my RE…

Ode to Jesse

Dear Jesse Thank you for coming to stay with us this week. Thank you for remembering me and not holding a grudge that we gave you to another loving member of the family when so many children arrived in such a short time. Thank you for being the same furry, cuddly bundle you always were Thank you…

Good Day Sunshine

The strangest thing happened this morning.  Everyone I met on the early morning drop off was happy.  What's the secret?  Mother's loading 3 or more children into cars with smiles on their faces, men chatting happily with small children in carseats behind them, the lollipop man was smiling, someone let me out and smiled at…

Si Si San Miguel

When I think of expats I think white vests strained over burnt bellies sipping San Miguel in an English caff in the Costa Del Sol. Definitely not the reality of the millions living away from their birth country for most expats. These days so many Brits seem to be intent on leaving Britain with its rain and…

System Failure 651

As a self confessed luddite I thought nothing of it when my home internet went down last week.  Little did I know the knock on effect after 5 days internet free.  Handily at the same time no.2 son got hold of my iphone and dropped it, duly smashing the screen so I have been 100%…